Shop, Earn, Save: Discover the Power of our Loyalty Program through BeautySense Points!
Join the BeautySense community today, it's absolutely FREE and incredibly easy! With every purchase you'll earn valuable BeautySense Points that can be redeemed for discounts or even free products. Plus, our members receive exclusive special offers that you won't find anywhere else!
What Are They Worth?
BeautySense Points are worth $0.05 each:
- 100 points = $5.00
- 200 points = $10.00
- 500 points = $25.00
- 900 points = $45.00
It's simple: Create an account and shop.
Receive 1 point for every dollar spent. Points are based on the retail price before taxes and after discounts. If you are an existing client, just login and start shopping. Points will be credited to your account. (Points can take up to 30 days to show in your account.)No catch, but we do have fine print:
- BeautySense Points are for you only! They cannot be sold, transferred or exchanged.
- BeautySense Points have no cash value and cannot be exchanged for cash.
- Receive a BS Point for every dollar spent before taxes and after discounts.
- BeautySense Points can take up to 30 days to show in your account.
- BeautySense Points cannot be used towards shipping and taxes.
- BeautySense Points will not be earned on items that have been returned. We will automatically deduct the appropriate amount of points from your account.
Please email with any inquiries or request.
Enter the email associated to your BeautySense account and we'll send you a link to reset your password.